Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Day Off?...I Think Not!

Why do driveways seem so much larger when I'm scraping snow from them?

That was the question of the day for me.  Where it shouldn't have drifted in my mother's driveway - it did.  So Nancy and I tag-teamed her driveway this morning...later this afternoon I finally tackled ours as well as the walk which has a southeast face and had received an abundance of drifting snow!  But I cleared everything off that needed it; the rest shall melt as it wants. 

Since we were off (again) today, I was able to spend a bit more time in the shop. 

Roughing out the mortises and tenons for the back of the Morris Chair project.  The tenons above just need a bit more chisel work and they'll be ready.

Ah, the work of the chisel.  (Yes, I have it clamped for those who will understand why!) there is just nothing quite as enjoyable as cleaning out a mortice with a sharp chisel.  The wood just shaves away in paper-like pieces for an exacting fit. 

A bit closer look at the work.  I sharpen each chisel on two different Japanese water stones - 2000 and 5000 grits.  They must be wet, and the movement is a figure-eight.  One can feel the bevel, and then it just becomes a fluid movement...very relaxing and very important if one wants to make the clean up work to be effortless. 

So yesterday and today offered a great opportunity to complete the chair base.  Everything mortise and tenoned...the arms are glued, screwed, and pinned with some bloodwood dowels.

Once I apply the finish these pins will add a nice bit of nuance to the chair and highlight the joints. 

So after an afternoon of chisels and glue I get the back, which will swivel on arbor vitae dowels, gets glued after some initial sanding.  I hate this part of a project: I'm so close to being done with the build that I want to hurry it.  This is when it's a good time to call it a day and let things relax.  The chair will be better for it, and I'll like the final project more when I have a chance to review what steps I went through today and what needs to happen next.  Luckily, I have a helper with this.

So good to have an inspector on site who can not only watch the work, but also constantly approve of my excellent work!  She's ready for a jaunt in the snow!  I guess it's back to the work of teaching tomorrow!

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